Support With Technology Or Getting Online
We can support Carers with..
- Staying safe online
- Online shopping
- Understanding the jargon around technology
- Unsing a device (tablets, phones, laptops, computers)
- Emailing
- Texting
- Online appointments
- Sending photos
- Upload/download documents (what it is and how to do it)
- Social Media (Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn)
- QR Codes
- Useful Apps to help your Caring role
- Free sim cards
- Useful handout’s
Would you like to get online but don’t have the knowhow, connection or device?
We can help you with your basic computer/phone needs and support you with anything you struggle with, just let us know what you need. We also have access to lots of different courses that you may like to attend too.
If you know a Carer who is struggling with a device, wants help to access online services and doesn’t know where to turn then contact us for support. We’re here to help.
You can request a call back or further information by clicking HERE
For more information contact:
Ruth 01325 524613 (Darlington)
Alison 0191 5006031 (County Durham)
What Carers Say about this Project
“I love keeping up to date with what the family are up to on social media, I never thought I would like Facebook but I love it now”
Staying safe online
Digital Resources for Carers
Digital resources for Carers
Shopping Safely Online
Tips for Carers around shopping online