Hospital Discharge
Hospital Discharge Team
We have been commissioned by Durham County Council & Darlington Council to run a project offering advice, information and support around hospital discharge, working across health and social care teams at University Hospital North Durham, Darlington memorial, Sedgefield community, Richardson community (Barnard) and bishop Auckland Hospitals.
We aim to identify unpaid Carers much earlier and to improve support for them before, during and after the person they care for is discharged.
Carers will be given one to one support from one of our specialist Hospital Discharge Team members for up to 4 weeks and after that by the wider DCCS team.
This includes support based on their needs but including: A named person, Benefits, grants and financial support, Advice to understand the language and processes, Information and advice, Emotional support and access to our FREE counselling services.
To contact our team email: and ask for the Hospital Discharge Team
If you are wondering what to expect when someone is leaving hospital you can find some frequently asked questions from Carers Uk
Patient Experience Team – Compliments, Comments, Complaints and Feedback.
The Patient Experience Team/ Patient Advice and Liaison Service aims to:
- Provide support to patients and their families to help solve problems as soon as possible.
- Provide a confidential service that will listen to the views and ideas of patients, carers, relatives, and friends.
- PET act independently when handling patient and family concerns and will:
- Liaise with staff, managers, and where appropriate, other relevant organisations.
- Offer access to the right people to help resolve problems that you may have difficulty in sorting out yourself.
Call them on: 0800 7835774 or click here to email the team.
Downloadable resources
Checklist for a safe Hospital Discharge
Download our ‘Coming out of Hospital Checklist’
Jargon Buster
Keep things simple with the Jargon buster! Download it now , then you can refer back to it, if you hear something you are not sure about.
Printable referral form
This printable referral form can be used to sign up for support or click here