Learn New Skills, for the use of phones, tablets & devices.
Learn new skills: BOOK HERE
Want to get better at using tablets, phones laptops and other devices? Then these sessions are for you! This is a 6 week course, held every Thursday Starting Thursday 6th June 10.00 – 12.00 for 6 weeks.
We will look at the basic skills in:
- Sending / receiving texts and emails
- Photo sharing
- Accessing websites
- Online shopping and banking
- Social media including Facebook
- Staying safe online
- And so much more
The sessions are very relaxed and informal and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and ben shown things at your own pace
Delivered by Alison Dixon who is our very own Learning Coordinator
Alison says “I’m not an IT expert but I can help you learn more about using your devices”
Booking is essential – book here
Sessions will be held at our Spennymoor office:
Enterprise House
Enterprise City
Meadowfield Avenue
County Durham
DL16 6JF