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Money Makeover Workshop


12:00 am / 12:00 pm

If you are a Carer registered with us and struggling
to claw back extra costs, we have joined forces with
Community Money Advice County Durham. We would
like to invite you to a new workshop at our office:
TOPIC: Money Makeover to Spring Clean your Finances
DATE: Wednesday 22nd March 2023 10am-12pm
including lunch
VENUE: Durham County Carers Support, Enterprise
House, Enterprise City, Spennymoor, DL16 6JF (Please
note, the room is on the first floor access via stairs,
there is no lift)
The workshop will focus on our 3Rs:
• RESET maximizing income via benefit checks.
• RETHINK minimize expenditure via budgeting.
• REGROWTH proactive planning
via saving.

Book your place or register your interest here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=vLDmQfs6PEiedxJCdjv3ahiDmmndhjZDu9OR-kUEwphUNEFHNjhFWlg5UlE2SzJXMDVVVFJBVDVQUC4u&origin=QRCode&wdLOR=c5D714007-365F-4D41-BF8C-0CF22C8F8F63