12:00 am
Introduction to Yoga Workshop with Julie: All Carers who attend will be placed in a £20 amazon voucher draw.
A message from Julie: “I’m Julie and I am an established Yoga Teacher, Fitness Professional and Falls Prevention/Postural Stability Specialist. I’m on a mission to break down the barriers for people of any age who believe yoga isn’t for them or are perhaps just interested to find out more. To put it simply, Yoga is linking the body, the breath and the mind. Whatever your circumstances, yoga can help to reduce aches & pains, help you feel physically stronger, deal with stress and maybe even help you sleep better. Yoga is accessible for everyone, and I’d like to have the opportunity to explain more about how it can benefit you during this one-hour workshop. You are invited to take part in as much or as little of some basic seated and standing yoga postures and a calming breathing practice, as well as address any concerns or questions you may have.”