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First Aid For Carers


9:30 am / 3:30 pm

This full day course will cover the most common accidents and medical emergencies and will give Carers the knowledge to be able to prioritise injuries, establish if something is seriously wrong and give immediate first aid.  Prompt and appropriate first aid, saves lives, can prevent a minor injury becoming a major one as well as reducing pain. It also makes everyone more risk aware giving Carers and those they are caring for peace of mind that they can help in a medical emergency. 


Carers First Aid course Willowburn Hospice, Lanchester 7th September 2022 9.30 to 3.30 pm (lunch included) 

Carers First Aid course Seaham Town Hall 20th June 2022 9.30 to 3.30 pm (lunch included) 

Carers First Aid Course The Four Clocks Bishop Auckland, 19th October 2022 9.30 to 3.30 pm (lunch included)