10:00 am / 12:00 pm
This year’s theme for Carers Week 2023 is ‘Recognising and supporting Carers in the community’. Pop along (no need to book) for a coffee and cake to meet our team along with other orginisations supporting unpaid Carers in Darlington including: Our team will be available to chat to you about your caring role and to see if there is any support we can offer such as
- Help claiming the welfare benefits and discounts you may be entitled to
- Accessing Carer Breaks
- Form filling
- Grants and Bursaries
- IT support
- Free counselling
- Carers Discount Card
- And much more
Other orginiastions attending:
- Alzheimer’s Society who offers to support those with Dementia and their families.
- St Teresa’s who have a range of services for people with a life limiting illness
- Social Prescribers who are based in local GP Practices and aim to help you improve your health by accessing the right support
- Family Support Daisy Chain who provide family support to families who have a child with additional needs
- NE First who are an accessible and inclusive financial organisation that offers fair and affordable options for savings and borrowing.
- Humankind Young Carers who support anyone under the age of 18 who is caring for someone
- Brenda Beveridge Wills and Trusts who will offer guidance on Wills, Trusts and Power of Attorney
Whether you are a new Carer or have been caring for someone for a while, we believe it is important you understand your rights and are able to access the support that is available to you as soon as you need it. Many people are taking on more caring responsibilities for their relatives and friends who are disabled, ill or older and who need support. We are here to help.